G1 Fastpitch - Defrancesco

  • Contact Name Rachel Defrancesco
  • Phone 931-494-1111
  • Email Click to email
  • Links
  • Age Groups 8U - 9U - 10U - 11U - 12U - 14U - 16U
  • About The mission of G1 Athletics is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church while providing a rewarding and competitive travel team experience.
  • General Information What’s Missing?
    G1 was formed in 2018 by coaches, parents, and athletes that wanted more from youth athletics than just another plastic trophy or $5 ring. After many years of coaching, traveling, playing, and winning, we realized there was something missing. Something that was instilled in us as children that seems to be lost in today’s super-competitive, win-at-all-cost world. That something is God. After much prayer, we decided to create an athletic organization that allows our youth the avenue to play elite-level travel sports without sacrificing the honor of recognizing God’s glory and sacrifice for all of us. G1 (God First) Athletics came about for many reasons, but the most important is to spread the word of Jesus Christ through competitive play.

    Our Name
    We chose the name G1 because we wanted to break the old adage about playing for the name on the front or the back of the jersey. We wanted to play to honor the Glory of God because without Him athletic competition would not exist. We wanted to put #GODFIRST in everything we do.

    Our Focus
    If you watch one of our G1 teams practice or play, you will notice 3 things:
    – First, we pray before and after every event and we want you to join!
    – Second, we have “Huddle” leaders on each squad so if Church is missed we bring the Church to you!
    – Third, we compete like the third monkey on the ramp to Noah’s Ark…and brother, it’s startin’ to rain!

    Our Hope
    God speaks to us in many different ways. We hope He uses G1 Athletics as His voice to the next generation of young athletes, their families, and you as well. Thanks for visiting our page and remember to keep #GODFIRST in all that you do!!!
Team Location

4520 hwy 48
Cumberland Furnace , Tennessee 37051

Age Groups Tryout / Player Needed Team Dates Description
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