18u / Indiana Shockwaves

  • Contact Name Mike Ramsey
  • Phone 317-459-03
  • Email Click to email
  • Links
  • Age Groups 18u
  • About The Indiana Shockwaves have a proud tradition of developing players to play at the highest level of softball. We do not focus on winning but rather teaching fundamentals and playing to our potential. Our girls will learn to play at the highest level by always keeping an open mind and willing to try new things. Winning is the result of appropriate goal setting. Our goals are to enjoy the game, work hard, and improve individually and as a team. We will win our share of games if we achieve our GOALS. Our organization will provide your daughter a solid and stable place to development as a softball player, an athlete and a young woman.
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Team Location

17455 Bataan Ct.
Noblesville , Indiana 46062

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